Project Title: Bangladeshi Road Sign Detection Using Deep Learning Technique for Driver Assistance System:
Description: Developed a traffic sign detection system that uses deep learning to provide Bangla voice and text. Machine learning models were used to extract traffic signs from images accurately. This project was completed using VGG-16, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and AlexNet algorithms.

Course: Statistics for Data Science
Project Title: The psychological measure of three personality traits.
Describe: I have worked on a dataset called The Short Dark Triad (SD3), which is a psychological measure of three personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. The SD3 assesses the presence and degree of these traits in individuals and can be used in research studies or clinical settings.

Course : Artificial intelligence
Project Title: House Price Prediction
Describe: This project used some classification algorithms like SVM, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, and Also Applied Confusion matrix to asses the classification algorithm performance.

Course : Machine Learning
Project Title: The Detection of Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Model.
Describe: This project used various machine learning models to predict the presence of heart diseases. This work is
justified by performing a comparative analysis using six algorithms. Logistic Regression, K Nearest Neighbors, Support
Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree Classifier, and Random Forest.